Friday, 6 February 2015

African Presidents out to protect their own!

During this year’s African Union (AU) summit in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, under the tutelage of the now president of the continental top body, Zimbabwean Robert Mugabe, the key issue on the table was the formation and expansion in mandate of The African Court of Justice. This, according to them is a viable and a better option to International Criminal Court (ICC)! This clarion call at the AU summit was a follow-up from last year’s Malabo Protocol that was adopted in Equatorial Guinea. The idea of establishing an African Court with expanded mandate to prosecute crimes against humanity, instead of The ICC, simply reeks of greed and selfish narrow interests by our presidents! To most of our presidents for life, dictators and co, who are championing this greedy cause, the ICC is an imperialistic tool that the West uses to butcher the African sovereignty and let its dogs after African presidents!

Kenya has pledged a whooping Ksh92 million to this ‘noble’ African cause! Never forget that there is no money to increase the salaries of our teachers and also improve our health and education facilities! The so-called Malabo protocol is simply a ploy by cronies to protect their own! In this continent, we have presidents for life, others have rose to power and sustained themselves their on the blood of fellow Africans! We kill, maim, rape and heartlessly displace fellow Africans in the greedy pursuit for power and also the rich minerals of this continent! Look at the blood Diamonds of Sierra Leone in the past, Lord’s Resistant Army in Uganda and how power has exchanged hands in independent Uganda, Boko Haram in Nigeria, the vicious fight for years-end on in Democratic Republic of Congo, the chaos in Somalia since 1994, the civil strife and wars in Central African Republic and the Kenyan post-election quagmire of 2007-2008. Should we sit back, close this sad chapter of events and say that the souls of our innocent brothers and sisters should go in vain? Should we pretend that they do not deserve justice even in death? Should we deny justice to the families, friends and relatives that they left behind? Should those who have survived with the permanent scars both physically and psychologically live in fear, hopelessness and pain and see no justice?

Most of the presidents in Africa, especially those with blood on their hands suffer from the African paranoia and that they must always protect themselves from the wheels of justice! They sit on ills and atrocities committed under their watch in their countries and The ICC is their greatest threat; the perpetual ghost that hangs precariously so close for their comfort! Severing ranks with The Hague-based ICC, presents them with the best chance to evade accountability for these mass crimes against humanity and so, it is a cause that they will give their all to ensure it comes to fruition!

So many crimes have been committed on this continent. Mass rapes, killings and displacement, coup d’etats, civil wars and strife, corruption and other ills are so prevalent in most of the African countries. Yet, the culprits have not been brought to book for all these, most of them are walking scot free and perpetrating more of these.

How can the Mugabe’s, el-Bashirs, Museveni’s and Nguemo’s of this land lead us into darkness? It is unpalatable! The African Court of Justice is simply the way through which our African leaders will ensure that they never answer for the atrocities and crimes that they abet and commission on the sons of this great continent! It must be resisted by all those who care about Africa!

Ours is the continent of two Africans; the ruling cronies and the ruled. The crimes by the former inflict pain and affect the latter, but not the former! Since independence on our African soil, democracy has remained elusive in most countries and even sad is the fact that most of the presidents have blatantly refused to be accountable to their people and they abhor justice! Instead of working for the greater good of the continent, our leaders in the AU have once again teamed up to protect their interests!

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