Monday, 30 June 2014

The Political malaise that is eating up our society

   The political air around the nation has been hot in recent days and politicians have been their true selves! The opposition has been calling for talks with the government over serious national issues. Security and the disbandment of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) are part of the national dialogue that CORD has been clamoring for. On the other side of the patio, politician from the JUBILEE wing have dismissed all these, and branded it political witch-hunt. Just as in 2013 General elections, the battle lines have been dominantly been drawn between President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and the opposition doyen, Raila Amollo Odinga. Their sycophants are even making the most noise, and blurring the real issues.

  As a nation, we have learnt not to trust our politicians, and this national dialogue it is no different. Depending on which side of the political divide you stand on, this national dialogue is either political witch-hunt or an honest way to address the issues that have plagued our nation. Remember what has just happened to our brothers and sisters in Mpeketoni, Makutani in Baringo County, Garissa and Wajir? Vide some appointments in the government? When our political decibels go down, then we all realize that indeed we have hot issues to talk about. Sadly, our politicians are not the type to trust. The only political immorality that as a nation, we collectively take part in is that we talk, eat and sleep politics. We are mysteriously and inexplicably spell-bound by politics and sadly cheap politics. The same politics that are the bane of all the evils that are menacingly staring in our faces!

  As an electorate and the politicians, as a society, we have destroyed our moral fiber that patriotic Kenyans in the ranks of Reverend Timothy Njoya and others, fought so hard to build. Corruption, negative ethnicity and political skullduggery are all national sports and we proudly take part, war unto you, who doesn’t play ball, after all, this is a nation whereby we have a eating culture, no wonder we equate leadership posts in this nation to loaves of bread, or worse still, anything edible! We suffer from an inter-twined curse of eating and political that has clung onto our skins, like ticks to cows!

  We have a rotting part of our political life! The rot is fast spreading to the entire system. Appointments in successive governments have been aligned along political lines, our political class will never stop eating t the slightest opportunity that comes begging, most of our politicians are self-seekers and hide behind national issues to secretly propagate their interests, most of our Members of County Assemblies members are embezzling funds all under the guise of boarding planes to go to foreign lands to bench-mark and borrow ideas on how to effect devolution! We are sick and the political cancer is fast eating up the entire political system! Leaders in top positions in the government flatly refuse to listen to their conscience and cannot fathom resignations even when it is clear that they have horribly failed in their duties!

  Yet at the backdrop of all these political noise, security, terrorism, healthcare, education, unemployment are killing us at every dawn!
                          Reach the writer at,

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