Friday, 9 May 2014


  The country is yet again coming to terms with the death of at least 70 Kenyans, not from terror attacks but from illicit liquor! Sip of Death, Killer Drink and One for the Dead are some of the headlines that ran on national televisions on Tuesday evening! This is a tragedy that has successfully stolen the show from the vicious strikes of terrorism! But in the heat of the mourning, gnashing and lamentations, two things are clear. One, we have lost Kenyans and families, friends and relatives are grieving, and two, the reactions are just too late in the day!
  It is the chilling tale of at least 60 Kenyans, across five counties, all turning victims to a killer bottle. Kiambu, Kitui, Makueni, Embu and Murang’a have all fallen victim to a tragedy that could have been avoided. Sadly, as these chang’aa dens and illicit liquors are brewed and consumed, we all turn a blind eye. These brews are brewed and consumed in the full glare of the public and the government officials. Somebody makes a kill out of killing families, careers and the society. When the inevitable death and dire consequences strike, we all run amok, government officials and elected leaders visit the affected areas, console the victims and as usual issues statements that are good enough to scare the bravest terrorists in town! Kenyans join hands and cry as people turn blind and the not so lucky, head to the grave. However days later, we all forget and will only remember when the next tragedy strikes!
  Our reactions to these chang’aa tragedies are at best baffling. The public point figures at the government and accuse it of ineptitude. In return, the government through her officials, issue tough statements and threaten Armageddon to the culprits. Chiefs are sent on compulsory leaves and somehow, no one takes full responsibility for the buck!
  However all these are just the norm, and as history has taught us, the tragedy returns to haunt the very people. We hardly learn and simply put, we are poor and miserable students of history. Deaths and dire consequences are all too common in the country, especially in the countryside, ghetto and slums of our cities. The scripture repeats itself, from manifestation to its devastating results. Yet all this while what we do is to issue tough statements, mourn and cry together and dress-down some people for sleeping on the job.
  We all watch and turn a blind eye as chang’aa is brewed and consumed. Our friends and close ones sip the deadly drink, all at the excuse of poverty. We do not give it any thought. Law enforcers, government officials and our elected leaders know about it. We let the illegal and immoral business to thrive and flourish. The brewers and king-pins of chang’aa business live amongst us. The society knows about them. We turn a blind eye, a deaf ear and play oblivious of this chang’aa business. Only when its deadly and unforgiving consequences strike and leave pain, death, agony and despondency on the Kenyan society, do we suddenly huddle together, weep, cry, mourn, talk tough, issue statements and threaten apocalypse on the known culprits.  This lasts only days and we soon forget and wait till the next tragedy that we dust our eyes and pretend to see!

  We need decisive action by the law enforcers, government, leaders and the ordinary mwananchi. With these casual and pretentious reactions that we put on whenever the illicit brews bare their ugly faces, the sun is fast disappearing in the horizon and soon, it will be too late in the day! We are a society that is carelessly and fast slaying itself through stupid and non-sensical behaviors

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