Friday, 5 July 2013


So Africa Union, AU is celebrating its Jubilee year and 50 years since its inception in 1963, formerly as the Organization of African union (OAU).  But do we really have all the reasons to celebrate as a continent as though we do not have our home-made African troubles? There are many reasons to jubilate, just as the Coca Cola soft drink advertisement says that we have a billion reasons to believe in Africa’. But let us not be so ignorant of the continent’s dark and evils that have been a cause for tears.

African heads of states converged in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa in late May, for the week-long African Union summit that marked the golden jubilee of the body born out of the efforts and aspirations of our founding fathers. The brain child of the Selassie’s, Kenyatta’s, Nkrumah’s and Nyerere’s who led the continent in her fight against the colonialists has turned 50 years old, but really is all smiles about our Africa? Film festivals, musical extravaganza, sports, symposiums, seminars, exhibitions and helicopter flight arts were on offer as Africa Union marked her 50th birthday in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

But chief among the summit’s resolutions is the threat of a massive pull-out from the Hague-based International Criminal Court, ICC, by all African states. This is a threat that Botswana distanced herself from. Botswana has refused to be part of the blatantly oppressive yet pretentious leadership that AU had endorsed in its threat of mass pull-out from the ICC. We must laud our brothers and sisters from Botswana and their president, Lieutenant General Sereste Khama Ian Khama. Kudos Lt Khama for refusing to use this cheap blackmail by AU to cover up the suffering and crimes against humanity that most Africans have been forced to accept as a norm!

I am proud to be an African, both by blood and by soil, but am not proud of our leadership norms and most of the individual heads of states. One may castigate me for unpatriotism to my continent, but I got reasons for my apparently unpatriotic stand!

Coup d’états and armed bloody take-over’s of power are an accepted norm of ascending to the presidency in several African states. Abuses of state power, massive plundering of state resources, suppression and consistent intimidation of political opponents, love for war and cultures of impunity are what best define most presidencies across the continent, with the exception of a few states. Let us too not forget the ‘presidents for life’ ideology that is rife in African. To many countries, presidency in Africa is nobility that has ironically been the African curse. It has been a cause of deaths, destruction, bloodbath, anguish, agony and all words that describe human suffering. This is the far cry from the source and beacon of hope, inspiration, peace and development that presidencies should be.

The threat of a massive pull-out by African countries from the ICC best describes the insensitivity that most of our presidents across the continent have towards the very people whom they are supposed to be sensitive and equally responsive to. It is an open secret that most of these presidencies are a source of agony, the means of ascending to power have been bloody and democracy is a word that best works on paper. Those who democratically think of challenging the status quo in some of these African countries are met with unmatched force and brutality by the security forces. Our brother in Uganda, Dr. Kizza Besigye is a perfect case in point.

Television images of how the security forces met his peaceful walk-to-work campaigns with cruelty were nasty, mind-boggling and at best despeakable. One really wonders how Besigye’s walk-to-work demonstrations were supposed to poison and threaten Museveni’s presidency. This was back in 2012, the year when the Maghreb revolution rocked the status quo in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia. This wind of change was slowly blowing to neighboring Uganda as Besigye took the courageous step of rocking Museveni’s leadership. But sadly, the revolution did not last the rough ride and died out, with Besigye badly maimed and critically injured. He had to be flown to Nairobi for specialized treatment. You can rightfully say that Kampala is living the Kenyan dark days of the Moi regime when those who dared challenge Moi’s presidency were labeled dissidents and traitors and had to endure torturous detention inside the now infamous Nyayo House torture chambers. But this is what really happens when some of these presidents for life- minded leaders smell revolutions in the air. One must be forgiven for thinking that these presidents do not think of life outside the trappings of power.

In Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe is apparently the only man fit enough to lead the country, in Equitorial Guinea, Theodoro Nguema Obiang and his son are leading the country and plundering it in equal measure. Just as in other African countries, the people of Equatorial Guinea are some of the poorest and life is a daily struggle despite the vast deposits of oil and other minerals. Equatorial forests are rapidly disappearing and in their places are multimillion palaces! Talk of misplaced priorities. Somebody once said that Africa is rich in resources but poor because it is poor in mind!

Most of the African leaderships do not offer us means and ways of improving lives across the continent, as a result of these minerals. Instead it is the complete opposite. Bloody conflicts and wars reign supreme as a result of these rich minerals. Niger Delta has never known peace due to the oil deposits, Democratic Republic of Congo is so accustomed to rebels and crimes against humanity are a norm due to the fight for gold and other minerals in the vast and naturally endowed country. Sierra Leone has never recovered from the bloody conflict occasioned by the infamous blood diamonds, our neighbors in South and Northern Sudan are still uneasy over the oil-rich Heglig region and Omar-el-Bahir is a wanted man by The Hague-based ICC. Former Liberan strongman Charles Taylor and Omar Bongo of Ivory Coast are awaiting to know their fate inside the court-rooms of the ICC. They are just some of the many African suspects at The Hague or wanted to answer charges of crimes against humanity. But we too have suspects from other continents; most notable is that former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic died

Some of our African leaders might strongly protest and argue that the ICC unfairly targets African, but this is not necessarily the truth. They do so just to protect their friends in power who are wanted men by Fatou Bensouda and her legal team. We too must question some outrageous statements, especially when former prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo infamously said that he was to use the Kenyan case as a perfect lesson to indeed prove that the Hague-based court had teeth and could bite in equal measure. Questionable and outrageous statement indeed! This is story for another day. But let us not forget that most African countries have never known peace, primarily due to poor and incompetent leaders and an apparently unquenchable thirst for power.

Civil wars and strives, coup d’états and militant groups have all greatly occasioned unprecedented human suffering. From child soldiers during the Sierra Leone civil war to the Dadaab Refugee Camp in North Eastern Kenya, Africans have indeed lived through hell. And to compound an already dire situation, except after the infamous Rwandan genocide of 1994, there has been no proven political goodwill to help address these problems. That is the point where the ICC must come in and see to the bitter end that justice indeed prevails. With regard to most of these wars and conflicts, most African leaderships have shown that they cannot provide the required political goodwill to address the teething issues that have been the bane of human suffering across the continent. This unquenchable thirst and hunger for power by all means possible and the bloody fights over the natural resources in most African countries is one area where successive presidencies in Africa have dismally failed in.

The African leadership is mainly divided into a minority of leaders who are champions of democracy and the rule of law and a majority to whom democracy and the rule of law best exists on paper. Our beloved Kenya, Ghana, Botswana and South Africa represent the few countries who are champions of democracy. However, others like neighboring Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Zimbabwe and many others form the African side where democracy best works on paper. Worse still, DRC and Somalia and others, perennially in civil wars and strives are not the best of news.

As a continent, we must be truthful and in as much as we celebrate the beauty and success of our beloved continent, take a moment away from the eerie and realize that we have teething challenges and problems that most of our leaderships have proven to be incapable of solving and worse still, just blatantly refuse to solve.
Let us learn to see an half- full glass as a positive instead of lamenting and cursing why it is not full. Likewise, we must learn to appreciate the efforts of the international community and the many ways in which it chips in to help us. The ICC represents the only pragmatic way of holding to account the perpetrators of crimes against humanity, war, rape, murder, forcible circumcision and displacement of innocent civilians. These innocent victims, women and children, who mostly bear the full brunt of civil wars and strives are destined to live with permanent scars and trauma of what they are forced to live through.  Others across the continent are forced to live in uneasy calm and peace under constant mass violations of their human rights and leaderships are forced down their throats.  

Most Africans have suffered; physically and psychologically maimed, shed tears, lost lives and their loved ones due to the rich and vast natural resources on the African land. Sycophancy and cynicism best describes the mediocrity of most African leaderships and this has sadly made Africa to play the catch up role globally, despite the fact that we are the most endowed continent in natural resources!

Africa is not the sad story in the world’s history. We have numerous positives that we draw pride in. Unfortunately, due to leadership problems, we have been forced to play second fiddle to the rest of the world. We must wake up and correct the leadership before it is too late!

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