The political and religious set-ups of any country are key to determining its success or failure, in its collective endeavor to match up to the best. Sadly, these two are what is driving innocent, ordinary and problem- laden Kenyans to their early grave. Kenyan politicians and men of the cloth have seemingly joined forces to wreck havoc on Kenyans.
The Kenyan political class has continued to disappoint, year after year. A rare graffiti on The City Market wall facing the Muindi Mbingu Street, in Nairobi’s Central Business District bares it all. The politician, depicted as a vulture, displays the reminiscences of a greedy politician, seated at Parliament Buildings, a man who hoodwinked Kenyans into voting him into the lavish position that he uses to impoverish the same electorate. The politician says that he is a tribal leader, for whom Kenyans loot, rape, burn and kill in his defense while he steals their taxes and grab their land. Bad politics has been the root cause of chronic poverty and unemployment as the epic struggles and conditions of a country’s marginalized and impoverished become all too common. Narrow- minded politicians, driven by their own selfish interests have continued to hoodwink a desperate electorate into voting them into plum posts which they manipulate to enrich themselves at the expense of an impoverished Kenyan.
Broken promises, unfulfilled pledges and a host of other disappointments characterize our political spectrum. Our shameless politicians have always had a way to get votes from poor Kenyans. A political elite that stays out of touch with the very people who elected them to office, comes back to the electorate as we gear towards the election period. They always find a way of mustering the votes to put them in office for the next five years, to loot public coffers and enrich themselves. Whenever they get caught in mucky waters, such as charges of instigating violence, corruption, abuse of office among other malpractices, they revert to tribal and ethnic cocoons to rally support from an ignorant people. The our people are being victimized syndrome comes into play. Politicians steal from the very people that they use to defend themselves against these accusations. Unresolved scandals, politically instigated violence, corruption, abuse of power and looting of public coffers among other heinous crimes, have sadly not taught the Kenyan electorate a lesson. We vote in the same leaders who orchestrate the woes that push us into desperation. All these push us to seek solace in the only remaining refuge, the holy word of God.
The Holy word should give compassion and comfort us in the midst of our problems and daunting challenges that afflict us. This means that those who evangelize must always follow the example that the Son of God set: giving hope to the hopeless, comforting those in tears and helping the helpless, among many others. However, the opposite is what those entrusted with administering the word of God do. Men of the cloth are performing many miracles and at a faster rate, than how Jesus Christ himself him. The sight of miracles has endeared them to unsuspecting Kenyans. Sadly, they have become the cause of tears that flow down the cheeks of innocent and poor Kenyans.
Unsuspecting women and young ladies have all fallen prey to men of the cloth, who hide behind the religious veil and end up in love affairs. This has broken marriages and also battered the warm relationship between young ladies and their parents. Prayer gatherings in order to get husbands, heal financial and family problems are the in- thing today, all after parting with some money. Miracles to heal the sick and the physically challenged are an integral part of many evangelists. Tele-evangelism is now rife on our TV sets. It is sad to note that in our bedeviled religious set-up, faith no longer makes miracles happen, but money does the trick. The holy word of Gods has been turned into a lucrative career, where the consumer product is Jesus Christ. Gospel of prosperity has replaced the holy gospel of our heavenly father.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and ordinary Kenyans are literally living this. The hard economic times, coupled with other family related problems have pushed them to the wall. Kenyans are becoming more and more desperate day by day, and this has made them a precariously gullible lot. The Holy word offers them the much needed respite. However, men of the cloth have turned them into a milking- cow. Prayer services are now at a fee. Prayer gatherings in order to get husbands, thrive economically, solve family troubles among others have led to masses flocking places of worship. Religious fanatism has sadly replaced genuine followership of God’s word. The results have been dire. Men of the cloth have continued to get rich as their poor and desperate clients slowly march to an early grave, families are breaking up, and young ladies are getting pregnant. All these have been orchestrated by men of the cloth who sadly exploit the desperacy by Kenyans.
Indeed, Kenyans are now losing on two fronts, the spiritual and the political fronts that have turned our country into a man- eat- man society, as Tanzania’s founding father, the late Julius Nyerere decried. As our selfish politicians economically steal from us, administrators of the word of God are robbing us both spiritually and economically.
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