Tough times make or
break. The former defines great men and women around the globe while the later
belongs to those who panic and give in whenever they are hard-hit. The indefatigable spirit and never-say-die attitude
amidst the insurmountable challenges and hardships are the floodgates to success
in life and yes indeed in all endeavors.
Think of that
bare-footed school girl in some part of Rift Valley, running away from forced
marriage and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), think of the drought-ravaged
child in Turkana, think of the jigger-infested feet of a school-going child in
Central Kenya, think of that child in some part of Eastern Kenya where getting
water is a challenge, think of that child in the slums of Nairobi where nothing
is guaranteed , think of that youth in the Coastal side where drugs are
ravaging the lives. All of them have a belief that tomorrow will be good and
free from the troubles of today. Hope, persistence and strong will are the words.
It is said that the
darkest hour is the one immediately before dawn and yes indeed this is so true.
But wait a minute, it I sat this hour when the make or break comes in. Tough
hearts and spirits make it but the feeble and not so strong hearts break. This
is the reality of the world. On empty stomachs when pangs of hunger bite and
threaten to take away the last bit of energy in you, when you literally come to
an end and darkness gloom your life and all you can see is apocalypse, when
at school you cannot attend classes because you have never paid a coin, when you
are forced to forgo exams and wait for you next chance. When in the university
campus you feel like hating yourself because you lack the basic necessities and
cannot enjoy eerie like the affluent students do, when your life seems to be forever
laden with problems and constant need. When as the sadists say, you live in a
life of permanent crisis and lack defines your lifestyle. These are when that
indefatigable inner you should always count and lift you up. Take a consolation
and realize that your life was meant to shine and be good. These problems are
only shaping you to be stronger and equally prepared to mix it with life when
the going gets tough and pain turns excruciating. Take heart and make the hard
step, you are slowly but surely marching on to your success.
That which does not
kill you definitely makes you stronger. In life, hard times call for strong
heart, determination and the will that that ‘I will make it’ must reverberate in
your heart. This is the definition of strong character and personality. Hard,
tough and bad times never last a lifetime, but character and personality does. The
heat of the moment should not let you into regrettable actions, like
disappearing into anti-social vices. Whenever you seek refuge in these vices
simply because you have problems and seemingly insurmountable ones for your
already over-burdened heart and strength, you are handing victory to the pangs
of your tormentor. Soon or later, you will have to deal with the double-tragedy
of trying to rescue yourself from this comforter-turned-tormentor. Your conscience
and heart are haunted by the heated decisions that you took. Your peace of mind
and spirit slowly but surely fades away. That is when reality sets in and you
realize that you must unloosen yourself from your captive, who once offered you
solace. To men, the captive might be alcohol, bhang and all sorts of hard drugs
while to women, the tormentor might be sex-for-money, alcohol and other forms of
hard drugs.
Whenever you take
refuge in these anti-social vices simply because life is being harsh on you,
then soon or later, regrets must set in. Questions like, why did let myself
into this? Is this what my life was meant to be? Does my spouse know that am
slowly dying deep inside? What happens when my family, friends and close
circles know of what I am doing? Should
I end my life? Should I seek help and support before it is too late? These are
the last strokes that definitely break the camel’s back. Psychological loss of
this fight is imminent and if not checked, the bitter end is a must.
From rags to riches,
ashes to glory, go the storylines of successful people who at a point in time,
had all their hopes, dreams and goals staring into the fire of destruction and
hopelessness. But character, strong will and personality took them past these.
When gloom,
hopelessness and disillusionment cloud your path, there is always some light to
illuminate the way. There are so many who were in worse and deplorable
situations, yet they held on and fought the fight. You too can do it. Take heart;
take on your fears, nightmares and all hurdles that threaten your dreams, hopes
and aspirations